
Although not totally clear of the woods I feel we can now at least see the way out. This is my ‘thank-you’ sketch of the front of Edinburgh’s Sick Kids Hospital, for everyone who has helped us.

The past couple of weeks has opened my eyes to see just how many kind and good people dedicate their time and money to help make the hospital what it is. Not only the amazing doctors, nurses and surgeons, but also the members of public, some of whom have benefited in the past and are now giving something back.

Like the mother who started itsgoodtogive a small charity who made sure the fridge on the ward was always full for patients and families who hadn’t had time or thought to pick up something from the shops. And the Colours of Islam charity who let all children celebrate in the Eid festivities by giving each child a toy at this time of year.

It’s an ordeal I obviously wish we hadn’t been through but discovering the kindness and generosity that exists in people is incredibly uplifting.

2 thoughts on “Thankyou”

  1. Thanks WWendi, and yes I am a big fan of Jack Henderson. And yes the hospital and people within are amazing, I feel so lucky to live in Edinburgh, although I’m sure there are similar scenes up and down the Nation, you just don’t know about it until you have too.

  2. I’m so very glad that your little James is healing. Thank you for the sketches and updates, I really enjoy your blog. Many prayers are with James, and you and your family. This must be one truly amazing hospital! Do you you know of young Jack Henderson??? I’ve been following both your blogs and just realized you two visit the same hospital. I think you both have quite a bit in common, including be an inspiration to me:

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