Category Archives: Daily Sketch

Watercolours in the woods

The rain and mist seemed to add to the wonder at Dalkeith Country Park.

You don’t have to go far from the city to find huge woods to walk through and wonderful autumn colours to get lost in. Today I took a walk though Dalkeith Country Park just as the rain was falling and the mist was lifting.

Despite the heavy rain fall the forest seemed to be alight with flames, the oranges, reds and yellows were that intense. I could of stayed there all day but my paper pad was getting soggy.

I passed a happy group of toddlers in their waterproofs exploring the muddy forest floor as I headed inside the Restoration Yard for a hand warming americano.

I look forward to returning soon, hopefully before the colours all fall to the ground!

Dalkeith Country Park website.

Post Box Hues

A red letter box mixes with the yellows and oranges of the falling leaves.

A beautiful day in the capital today, so lucky it’s a Sunday. One of my favourite postboxes here in it is autumn look. I have a lovey photo of it covered in snow somewhere. 

Always my favourite pieces of street furniture postboxes provide a welcome splash of colour in my sketches. And also to me personally evoke a feeling of communication, friendship and hope!

Enjoy your weekend.

Light and Dark on the way home

A long walk as the sun goes down and workers head home.

From around this time last night when I was walking along Ferry road from Leith to Inverleith.

The rain was falling and the car lights were creating a lovely light show. I took a photo and drew this today from my warm studio. I love a good reflection and trying to capture one in watercolours is good fun. Tricky though and often I will add too much sketching or colour and darken the light too much.

Autumnal Walks

Wonderful colours under my feet.

Finally got chance to add some colour to this ink sketch of my boots on a walk around Edinburgh.

I had posted the photo a couple of weeks ago as I just loved the autumn colours and perspective from my morning wintry walk. I also posted the sketch below as I added the ink, taking my time to add plenty of detail with cross hatching.

The more I looked at the photo the more colours I saw, like the blue in the boots reflected form the stormy skies above.

Now with colour I thought this would look great as a print, and as I sketched it in my A5 pad then it will easily blow up to fill an A3 sheet. I am going to print a couple and see how they look, if you would like a signed version then follow the link below to my etsy page.

See this print in my Etsy Shop

The heater is on

As October kicks in the temperatures are falling in Edinburgh

It is freezing today in the studio and this wee heater is working overtime keeping my fingers nimble enough to draw. October has started with wind and rain and a proper chill in the air. Time to layer up 🙂

Plus have a big job to finish so I am sketching anything in sight rather than get the job done. Not good enough, I will get back to it now I promise!!

New Scottish gallery space opens

New rooms open to the public this weekend and I had a sneak peak.

The new Scottish Galleries at National Galleries Scotland open this weekend, showcasing Scottish Art from 1800 to 1945. The works collected tell a fascinating story, in a bright new space overlooking Princes Street Gardens.

Free to visit which is amazing, I thoroughly recommend a trip to see these great works of art, I couldn’t stop scribbling down names that I wanted to research later, so much inspiration from creative Scots.

Also very inspiring was the views opposite the artworks, great big windows frame the Princes Street Gardens and the Waverley Railway Station.

I loved seeing works from artists I hadn’t heard of, lots to research later and I look forward to returning again and again. The new galleries are open from this Saturday, 30th September at 10am.

Autumn winds bring colour

With the first big winds of late September it seems that overnight the seasons changed in Edinburgh.

Last night we had a stormy night, strong winds and rain meant we heard the tiles clattering on the roof as I laid in bed and this morning I had a nervous look at the garden fence to see if any of the hardy panels had finally given up. Thankfully they held strong 🙂

But on the walk to school I could see the trees had let go of plenty of leaves, twigs and hundreds of conkers which we had been eagerly waiting for. Looking up to the branches in previous weeks, trying in vain to reach and grab a spiky shell , or finding one only to find the nut not ready. And then overnight we were surrounded, I think we will drill a few tonight for a game of conkers.

The Return of Sherlock Holmes

The return of Sherlock marks the near completion of the tram works at Picardy Place.

The statue which marks the nearby birthplace of author Sir Arthur Canon Doyle was removed for the restructuring of this junction and is now back in place.

Surrounded by benches, cycle paths and some trees Sherlock looks set to be watching over the busy junction for many years to come. I look forward to seeing the area once all the fences come down and the doozers move out.

St Bernard’s Well

A little peaceful walking led to this sketch of St Bernard’s Well on the Water of Leith.

The walkway runs from Stockbridge to Dean Village, a lovely walk through nature in the heart of the city, listening to the birds and the river, its a perfect walk. Great for the mind and body, perfect then that the well is home to Hygeia, the Greek goddess of health.

I have added this sketch as a print to my etsy shop HERE. I think it may make a nice gift card too, what do you think?