Tag Archives: sketch

A memory of Edinburgh’s Christmas in pencil

ChristmasInPencilMore new year organising and tidying of the studio today, and finding forgotten sketches on scraps of paper in boxes….

Another wintry day in the capital and one best to spend in doors I think, so I’m going through a few boxes of sketch pads and scraps of paper with doodles and notes on. I found this pencil sketch of Princes Street during Christmas time.


I’m not sure when exactly I drew it but it must be at least two years ago as the Helter Skelter is in Princes Street Gardens and the big wheel is hanging out over Princes Street. For once there are no notes along side the drawing to date and give details, which itself is a sign that this isn’t a recent sketch. It is certainly pre trams though.


I thought you may like to take a look though, as we say goodbye to Edinburgh’s Christmas for another 11 months and look forward to the warm  (fingers crossed) summer months ahead.



Edinburgh’s Hogmanay Blogmanay, Day 4

ScotLands1_blogmanay2014Yesterday the heavens opened on Edinburgh not that it dampened the spirits at Scot:Lands, a New Years Day event held in secret locations around Edinburgh’s Old Town.

Held in secret venues throughout the Old Town with the very best in music, art and theatre, the event is brand new for this years Hogmanay festival. Visitors first had to head to The Hub on the Royal Mile where they spun a wheel to decide where and what to visit.


I saw dance in a Cathedral, heard Rabbie Burns read to guitar music, witnessed nostalgic footage of Victorian Scotland on an outdoor screen (with gorgeous Scottish soundtrack from King Creosote), and listened to angelic Celtic singing in the stunning McEwan Hall.


I loved it and hope the event i back next year. Perfect for New Years Day each act  was different, relaxing but engaging. I walked home feeling chilled out and happy 🙂


The sketch above was sketched in black ink on location and then coloured digitally later. Below are a few of my other sketches from the day.

Edinburgh’s Hogmanay




Plan ahead this Festive period with Lothian Buses

BusDepotChristmas and Hogmanay are just around the corner and Edinburgh is filling with revellers from around the world as the world’s best street party begins in earnest.

To help you plan your journey the Lothian Buses Christmas Grotto Bus will be out tonight (Thursday 18th Dec) in Edinburgh at various locations. Look out for the bright yellow bus at St Andrews Square, the Grassmarket and Princes Street. There will be goodies on offer as well as timetables and night bus information to help you get about over Christmas and New Year safely.


Today’s sketch is from the Lothian Buses depot in Annandale Street, a beautiful building which has been home to Lothian Buses since 1926 and before that was an Industrial Hall.


Lothian Buses website.


The WhereArtI Quiz, 15th December

ES_WAI151214_webAs I write this Edinburgh is being dusted in snow, which if still lying may hinder your guessing today…

There are leader board points on offer for the first three correct answers if you can name the location above, and keep an eye on the facebook and twitter throughout the day for clues if they are needed. Answers to come later in the week.


If you would like to donate a prize for the quiz or indeed feature in the quiz, then get in touch HERE.


Remember WhereArtI runs every Monday in the Edinburgh Evening News with a fantastic prize each week. You could win a bottle of Edinburgh Gin plus a tour of their city centre distillery. Buy a copy today to find out more.

Nutcracker explodes into Edinburgh’s Festival Theatre this Christmas


Filled to the brim with wonder, colour, costume and sparkle, Peter Darrell’s magical world of The Nutcracker comes to Edinburgh this weekend at the Festival Theatre.


Mixing new creative ideas with designs and scenarios from the original 1973 production, with rich sumptuous colours and heavy luxurious materials bring a lavish Victorian feel to the stage. Peter Darrell’s choreography is brought beautifully to life by the Scottish Ballet with Tchaikovsy’s famous music adding to the spell.


I sketched frantically unable to capture all I was seeing, as the stage continually transformed as if in a dream. Here are my doodles form the night but there was so much more. The final sketch below sees the Prince and the Fairy take to the stage as snowflakes begin to fall from the sky…


Step into the magic this Christmas and see the wonder for your self, The Nutcracker runs at the Festival Theatre until Saturday 3rd January 2015.


The Festival Theatre website





Keeping warm and cosy

LatteSketchToday as #Scotstorm or #Weatherbomb hits Scotland and the rest of the UK I am keeping warm, sketching indoors at Summerhall.

The cafe in Summerhall just by the Meadows in Edinburgh’s South side serves a good selection of soups and pastries, and delicious coffee. Not just a place to pick up my prints, it is also a fascinating place to see the every changing artworks indoors and the thriving artistic activity around the courtyard within.


I love to visit and soak all the creativity up. This sketch is in black fineliner with a water colour wash. I hope you all are staying warm and cosy this afternoon!


Summerhall website

The WhereArtI Quiz, 8th December

WAI081214Morning Edinburgh, here is another visual quiz for you to ponder this Monday morning. Can you name the Edinburgh location…?


There are leader board points on offer for the first three correct answers, and keep an eye on the facebook and twitter throughout the day for clues if they are needed. Answers to come later in the week.


If you would like to donate a prize for the quiz or indeed feature in the quiz, then get in touch HERE.


Remember WhereArtI runs every Monday in the Edinburgh Evening News with a fantastic prize each week. You could win a bottle of Edinburgh Gin plus a tour of their city centre distillery. Buy a copy today to find out more.

The WhereArtI Quiz, 10th November

WAI101114bIt’s WhereArtI time and after last weeks wee excursion to Craigellachie Bridge we are back in Edinburgh. Can you name this city centre statue, perfect for ‘Movember’?


There are leader board points on offer for the first three correct answers, and keep an eye on the facebook and twitter throughout the day for clues if they are needed. Answers to come later in the week.


If you would like to donate a prize for the quiz or indeed feature in the quiz, then get in touch HERE.


Plus next week on the 10th of November the Edinburgh #WhereArtI is set to return to the Edinburgh Evening News with a brand new sponsor and a fantastic prize each week. More information to come soon.

The WhereArtI Quiz, 27th October

WAI_271014Morning Edinburgh, I hope I haven’t confused you by reverting to the original 8 o’clock slot on the day after the clocks went back. I originally started WhereArtI for the commuters of Edinburgh so 8am suits better than 10. Anyhoo, can you locate this sketch??


There are leader board points on offer for the first three correct answers, and keep an eye on the facebook and twitter throughout the day for clues if they are needed. Answers to come later in the week.


If you would like to donate a prize for the quiz or indeed feature in the quiz, then get in touch HERE.


The Fish Eatery restaurant in Edinburgh

FishEatery_rollmopsAs the second restaurant in Edinburgh for chef Jason Wright Fish Eatery at 12 Picardy Place had a lot to live up to.

The new fish restaurant is located next door to Jason’s flagship restaurant Steak, which has proved a huge ssuccess I myself can testify to having the best steak not only in Edinburgh but in my life there earlier this year. A sketch of which can be found here.


I started with ‘Rollmops in a tin’ which were presented as if just opened, extremely fresh and tasty. Accompanied with tempura gherkins, light and crispy on top of a dill mustard sauce. Delicious.


The main of ‘Roast Sea Bass’ was extremely hard to sketch before eating, the enticing aromas making my mouth water. Sat upon seared spiced cabbage and a potato purée the sea bass didn’t disappoint. Crispy on top, succulent and meaty underneath, perfect. Dotted around the fist were chestnut mushrooms on a garlic butter sauce.


After reliving that meal I need to visit again! To book your table follow the link below and let me know what you think. All sketches are in black ink in my A5 pad with a water colour wash to finish.


The Fish Eatery website


