All posts by Edinburgh Sketcher

Ticket to ride

With my bike still in need of repair I travelled to work on the @on_lothian number 8 bus this morning. I hope to take the bike into Bicycle Works this weekend, thanks @cocteautriplets for the recommendation.

With journey time on my hands I was looking round for something to sketch, and decided upon a couple of tickets I found in my pocket. By the time I looked up again the bus was just reaching the top of Broughton Street. Sketch done.

Enjoy your Friday everyone. 🙂

Doon the Mile

Back to sketching in a busy street today and it felt good. Luckily the rain held off for the 15 minutes I had to sketch this view. Looking down the Royal Mile from near St Giles Cathedral.

Thankfully the rain held off while I scribbled away. Unfortunately though another pen seems to be drying up. I think I need to find a pen sponser! Mr, or Mrs Staedtler are you reading?!

Two Little Fishies!

Today’s sketch is actually from Sunday when my family and I took a trip out to Dobbies garden centre (Edinburgh) on the  Gilmerton Road. It was the twins, who are now 11 months old, first visit and they enjoyed looking around the aquarium, and seeing the noisy colourful birds and the cuddly looking rabbits.

Although to be honest I think James may of liked dancing to the pianist playing Scottish Ceilidh music even more!

Anyone know what fish these are? I can’t remember 🙂

Where Art I? #008

Another puzzler for you to test your Edinburgh architecture knowledge, this week I discovered these impressive swirls of masonry, but can you tell me where they are, and have been for almost 200 years?

Good luck and remember to check in at the ES facebook page for clues though out the day.

Include hashtag #wherearti with your answers either below, on facebook or twitter.

Answers to come by the end of the day and hopefully this week I will get that WhereArt!? leaderboard setup.

The drawing is in black ink, using a staedtler triplus fineliner, with pencil shading (HB) over the top,  to highlight the building.

Wee shame

I was sad to see today that the maternity shop on Howe Street, PrettyPregnant had closed down. I’m not sure when they closed their doors but I do know it was there for a number of years.

I remember my wife and I passing when we were expecting and looking through the window at all the lovely clothes. I think it was a chain so perhaps they just closed this branch.

Here is my sketch from last summer, a sketch now consigned to the history books. And as life moves on I can’t help wondering what will open up in its place.

Oasis in the city

I took the twins into town this afternoon, for a busy afternoon meeting some clients.  While criss crossing the centre we dropped into the National Museum of Scotland to give the kids a banana and some milk.

I’m so glad the museum is open again (after being closed for refurbishment), it is great we have these educational places which are free, where you can sit for a while without having to buy a coffee (unless you want too) and soak up a little of the amazing facts and figures from the exhibits that surround you.

For instance earlier we all met today’s sketch subject, Arensnuphis, whose statue dates back to around 50BC and would once of stood guard outside a temple.

Visit here for more information, and watch out for the upcoming Fascinating Mummies exhibition, from 11th February to 27th May 2012.

Where Art I? #007

Morning everyone, here is this weeks #wherearti quiz, can you name the sketch?

This beautiful red sandstone building is not too far from the centre of town, it maybe a tough one but this building has a busy weekend coming up. Extra points if you tell me what that is.

Good luck and remember to check in at the ES facebook page for clues though out the day.

Include hashtag #wherearti with your answers either below, on facebook or twitter. Answers and a new leaderboard this afternoon. From this week we’ll start a top table of WhereArtI? guessers!!  How well do you know Edinburgh?