All posts by Edinburgh Sketcher

Lazing in the sunshine

A warm Sunday afternoon in the capital and with it came a walk with the family around Inverleith Park. This is a quick pencil sketch of four lucky swans, who must of been up early enough to grab this prime sunbathing  spot, right in the middle of the pond. 

Inverleith is a great park, always busy with runners, dog walkers and all sorts of team games being played. For us it’s a beautiful place to push the pram around and feed the ducks, and swans.

I was very relieved to hear the council had decided not to sell their corner of the park to property developers recently. With the amount of parents and children in the park this weekend I imagine an activity/learning centre, with a gallery and outdoor cafe would go down very well.  I could suggest a few pieces for the gallery 😉

The morning after

A beautiful day in Edinburgh today, great for a family walk through the Botanics and Stockbridge. I’m glad I was disciplined last night and worked on a couple of commissions, so no more today. This is a close up of one I was working on, a mother and her son which is now finished and ready to send.

Mother Laura, made a successful bid for the portrait  in a recent online auction for the Countthekicks campaign, making £70 for the charity. I hope she likes it 🙂

Here is the full image of Mother and son:

A reminder…

… of how boring the bus journey home can be, especially in the dark.

Having had a splitting head ache this morning I decided to leave the trusty bike at home and head to work on the bus. Unfortunately that means getting the bus home, waiting at the bus stop and then taking over almost an hour for a 20 minute cycle.

Never again, but then I always say that, especially in the winter funnily enough 😉

Through the alley

Edinburgh has many an alley leading from one street to another, revealing shortcuts, and a multitude of differing views across the city. Here is one of the many to lead southwards from the Royal Mile, South Gray’s Close.

Also known as Mint Close as between the years of 1574 and 1877 Scotland’s Royal Mint was house there.

My view is from through the alley looking back towards the mile.