Sleepy journey

A bus ride sketch today, with this being the shortest day of the year I thought I should grab the chance to sketch while I could.

The view from the top deck was a little different last year though, the weather is certainly much milder. Have a look in the last gallery page above to see last years doodles.

Here is a link to one of views from the bus journey, this time last year; cars and hedges heavy with snow.  Use the arrows left and right to see more sketches in the snow.

Where art I?

Morning sketch fans, here is another puzzle for you, where was this sketch done?

I hope to make this a weekly feature, the only rule is they will all be within Edinburgh City. I have still to settle on a name though, I had wanted something to tie in with the day of the week, like ‘Saturday sketch search’ or something, any ideas? Perhaps ‘Wednesday’s where art I?’ – thanks to @daisystreet for helping with that one.

So this is the first – any ideas? My wife has just informed me this could be anywhere as there are lots of Lion Ramparts throughout the city, so you may need clues later. But lets see first, this particular one is quite new, very shiney and gold in colour.


Botanic blood boiler

Went to @TheBotanics on Saturday, one of my favourite places in Edinburgh.

However we were chased out of the Terrace Cafe by a stinking mop and bucket. Why must staff put chairs up and mop around tables before closing time? It leaves a bad taste – literally as I could only smell (and taste) dettle in the air. I was put off my coffee and cake (very important!) and the family next to us felt they had to rush their food after being assured they had time to eat before sitting down.

I know plenty of cafes and restaurants do this, but it winds me up, especially where food is being served. And it is unnecessary, if the staff want to get away early then they should adjust their closing times accordingly, and only start cleaning the restaurant after customers have left. 

Rant over. The sketch is of Inverleith House, just next to the Terrace Cafe, go early 😉

Sketches, news and family life in Scotland's capital city.