Tag Archives: Edinburgh’s Festival Theatre

A little colour..

This morning I added a little colour to last nights sketch of the Festival Theatre in Edinburgh. I think the colour really brings the image to life, here is yesterdays original sketch for you to see. Let me know what you think below.

It was a slight rush job yesterday as I was waiting to go and see show ‘Funny Peculiar’. The rain started as I sat opposite the theatre outside the Surgeons Hall, which I will have to revisit at some point. It looks a great place to sketch.

If you are wondering the show wasn’t that great, despite having a number of well known small screen names the humour was old fashioned and actually quite often missed the mark. The comments I heard most as we left the auditorium were, ”Well, that was odd.’ and, ‘It got better…’

Never mind it’s always a pleasure to visit the grand and impressive Festival Theatre.